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How are cocarrois made?

How are cocarrois made?

Typical Mallorcan

The cocarrois, as many of you already know, are a variant of the empanadas, they are very similar, but the cocarroi closes in the shape of a crescent and usually contains healthier ingredients. At Panord we make two types: cauliflower cocarrois and cocarrois with 100% whole cabbage dough. Apart from these they can also be made of many types.

This time, we will explain how we make the most typical cocarrois: the cauliflower cocarrois.

The dough for the cocarrois is exactly the same as the dough for the empanadas, which does not require as much quantity, since they are pieces with less weight. Besides they are less elaborate than empanadas, and faster to make.

So, as the video does not come out as we prepare the dough. We will explain it step by step so that you get a good paste that you can work with easily.

First of all, let's see what we will need to make the dough:

  • 1 kilogram of flour.
  • 250 gr. butter
  • 25 cl. of oil
  • 25 cl. of water
  • a pinch of salt

For those who do not have a kneader or breadmaker at home, we give the keys to make the dough of the cocarrois in an artisanal way, without machines.

You have to put in an oval container or a bowl, the oil, the water, the butter and a pinch of salt. And we mix while we add the flour little by little, when it becomes compact it is kneaded well kneaded, until it has a ball. To finish the preparation, the entire dough is stretched, and it is cut into circles of about 10-15cm in diameter.

Now we will explain the filling, what we will need will be:

  • 1u. cauliflower
  • 2u. Swiss chard bunches
  • Raisins
  • Pepper
  • Peppers
  • Oil
  • Salt

We are going to cut the cauliflower and the chard small, we are putting it in a bowl and seasoning everything together. Everything is very easy.

Next we put a tablespoon in the middle of the circles of dough and we fold it in the middle, as you can see in the video. The difficult thing comes now, it can be closed in many ways, but the most typical is to do it with pinched fingers. Pep already has a lot of maya with that, watch the video and try to do it.

Now it only remains to bake for about 45 min. at 180Gr.

We hope you enjoy them. Bon Appetite.

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